
We’re no wonder children, perhaps;
we are, nonetheless, children of wonder.

This website is dedicated for late starters and late bloomers, and those who never get to fully bloom, in spirituality and in the arts. Welcome, you perseverers, clumsy, slow, and exhausted though you may be!

Perseverance implies persistent desire or longing and repeated, even prolonged failures and frustrations. Love and heartbreaks. These could be discouraging, even lead to hopelessness and despair. May this website then be little company along your challenging path.

Here are the latest posts from all categories:

  • Do all things for the sake of a higher power
    “Do all things for the sake of a higher power, and it will correctly guide your every step…. There is a god within every man… that finds his contact with the chief Engineer of this scenario… the Absolute God…”
  • The Darkness of God
    “…let the dark come upon you which shall be the darkness of God…”. There is in God, some say, a deep but dazzling darkness…”.
  • A peaceful night and a perfect death
    “The Lord grant us a peaceful night and a perfect death. Amen.” The last prayer of the day that monks and nuns sing in their rounds of daily prayers (called daily Office) is called Compline. A line of prayer during Compline asks God to grant the prayers a peaceful night and a perfect end. I… Read more: A peaceful night and a perfect death
  • A time for everything
    “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die;a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted;a time to kill and a time to heal;a time to break down and a time to build up;a time… Read more: A time for everything
  • “May heaven consume you”
    This is a quote from a contemporary saint or “elder” in the Romanian Orthodox Church, Cleopa of the Sihastria Monastery. He was told to end his letters with this wish. It reminds me of other expressions of the same theme: ”Like a drop of water in the ocean” or “like a river merging into the… Read more: “May heaven consume you”